
17 11/2005
UM Communication Services
The UM Program provides communication services for practitioners and members.
This service includes routine inbound and outbound communication during normal
business hours with UM associates available for callers with questions regarding UM
issues or processes via nationwide toll-free numbers (800) 662-9023 or (800) 722-
6614. Urgent inbound communication can be received 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Electronic options are also available for routine communication 24 hours a day 7 days
a week.
When preauthorizing referrals to a Specialty Care Provider, the PCP should follow
these guidelines:
How to submit the Request/Notification
Web Site Provider Access ........www.bcbsga.com
Fax………………………………… (800) 246-0226
Phone………………………………(800) 241-7475
Referral Numbers
A referral number is not necessary and will not be supplied. Referrals are
notification only.
When to submit the request
Submit all notifications of referrals prior to member’s receiving services from
specialists. Retrospective requests for non-emergent specialist referrals will
result in delays and/or denials in claim payment.
Selecting the Provider
Select a network provider consistent with the specialty care needs of the
member from the specialty care provider list.
Member preference
If the member has a preference, the PCP should consider this preference when
selecting a Specialty Care Provider.
Contacting the UM Department
If you need assistance or have questions, contact BCBSGa’s UM Department at
(800) 722-6614 or (404) 237-2429 from 8 AM to 5 PM weekdays.