
INTEGRUS | Installation and User Instructions | System description and planning en | 14
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 3122 475 22015en
Black spots can occur in case a transmitter is located in
the same room as the radiators. In that case, disable
the mini IR radiator of the transmitter with the config-
uration menu (see section 2.5.16).
Check that the signal delay compensation switches on
the radiators are set to the correct value and that a
switch is not accidentally positioned between two
numbers. Re-check your system design. When neces-
sary, reduce the distance between the two radiators
that cause the problem and/or add an extra radiator.
Note that due to the physical characteristics of the sig-
nal distribution, it is not always possible to completely
avoid multi path effects.
Interference from IR systems
IR assistive hearing systems and IR microphones oper-
ating at frequencies above 2 MHz, can disturb the
reception at the lowest carriers. If such is the case,
disable the lowest two carriers (see section 2.5.12) and
re-check the reception.