
INTEGRUS | Installation and User Instructions | Integrus Transmitters en | 36
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 3122 475 22015en
Menu Item Options Description
4D Channel nn
Channel nr.:
00 ... 31 Select which channel to configure.
- Disabled Disable selected channel.
* - Mono SQ Set selected channel to mono, standard quality.
- Mono PQ Set selected channel to mono, premium quality.
- Stereo SQ Set selected channel to stereo, standard quality.
- Stereo PQ Set selected channel to stereo, premium quality.
In 00 .. 31 Select the audio input that should be distributed on the selected
channel. For stereo signals, the input number of the left signal
(even number) should be selected.
On 00 .. 31 Select the optical network channel that should be distributed on
the selected channel.
Per Channel Settings:
Note: An asterisk (*) is shown behind the
channel number when the channel in the
configured quality does not fit on the avail-
able carriers (see section 1.2.4).
With an optical network connected, an
asterisk (*) is shown behind the input num-
ber and the channel number when the
selected input can not be routed to the
selected channel, due to the routing limita-
tions of the hardware. The user has to
browse through the inputs in order to
determine which input can be routed to the
selected channel.
Without an optical network connected, an
asterisk (*) is shown behind the input num-
ber and the channel number when an opti-
cal network channel (On) is selected, or
when an input is selected that can not be
routed to the selected channel due to the
routing limitations of the hardware (typical-
ly inputs 28, 29, 30 & 31 can not be routed
to other carriers than carrier 7).