
INTEGRUS | Installation and User Instructions | Integrus Transmitters en | 33
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 3122 475 22015en
2.5.7 Set transmission mode
The Transmission Mode menu item (4A) is used to
select which signals will be distributed over the chan-
nels. It is also possible to switch all channels off
When using an Integrus system with a DCN Next
Generation system (see section 2.5.8), the transmitter is
automatically switched to 'Standby' when the connect-
ed DCN Next Generation system is switched off.
When the DCN Next Generation system is switched
on, the transmitter is automatically switched to 'On'.
When using an Integrus DCN interface module of ver-
sion 01.05 or higher, the transmitter is automatically
switched to ‘Standby’ when the connected DCN sys-
tem is switched off. When the DCN system is switched
on, the transmitter is automatically switched to ‘On’.
2.5.8 Set network mode
The network mode menu item (4B) is used to enable
and disable the optical network connections. When the
transmitter is connected to a DCN Next Generation
conference system, the optical network connections
must be enabled.
Menu Item Option Description
4A Transmission Mode:
- Standby All channels are switched off, no signals are distributed.
* - On Normal transmission. Input signals are distributed on the channels
as set in the Channel Quality sub-menu (4D).
- Aux to All The signals on the Auxiliary inputs are distributed on one carrier to
all channels.
- Test A different test tone is distributed on each channel. The frequency
increases with increasing channel number. For stereo channels the
tone for left and right will also be different.
- Slave The radiator signal on the slave input is looped-through to all
Menu Items Option Description
4B Network Mode Mode:
- Disabled Optical network connections disabled. Use this mode when the
transmitter is not used in combination with DCN Next Generation.
- Enabled Optical network connections enabled. Use this mode when the
transmitter is used in combination with DCN Next Generation.