
INTEGRUS | Installation and User Instructions | Integrus Transmitters en | 35
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 3122 475 22015en
2.5.10 Set channel quality and assign inputs
to channels
The audio quality of the channels (mono/stereo, stan-
dard/premium) can be set in sub-menu 4D. The quali-
ty can be set the same for all channels or for each
channel separately. Note that choosing stereo and/or
premium quality uses more bandwidth and decreases
the number of available channels (see section 1.2.4).
In stereo mode, the left signal is always an even num-
bered input. The next higher input number is used for
the right signal.
When the quality is set the same for all channels with
the ‘All Mono’ or ‘All Stereo’ options, the inputs are
assigned automatically to the channels as indicated in
the table below:
All Mono All Stereo
Channel Input Channel Input L Input R
00 00 00 00 01
01 01 01 02 03
... ... ... ... ...
31 31 15 30 31
With menu option 4D (Per Channel Settings), the
assignment can also be done for each channel
If, in the network mode, stereo quality is selected, the
floor language is assigned to the left channel and the
translation is assigned to the right channel. This can be
used for language learning applications.
Menu Items Option Description
4D Ch. Quality Qualit
* All Mono SQ Set all channels to mono, standard quality.
All Mono PQ Set all channels to mono, premium quality.
All Stereo SQ Set all channels to stereo, standard quality.
All Stereo PQ Set all channels to stereo, premium quality.
Per Channel . . . Select this option to go to the ‘Per Channel Settings’ menu.