D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 Points EN | 100
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
The Cross Point feature does not activate when a
fault occurs on Controlled points (Point Types 1, 2
and 3) in the disarmed, entry delay, or exit delay
states. Refer to Section 5.9 Cross Point Parameters
on page 139 for additional programming
requirements to program the Cross Point Timer.
If an abort window delay is needed for the cross zone
alarms, all cross zone points in the group must have
P## Alarm Abort (refer to page 101)set to Yes.
The Cross Point function applies only to
Instant Alarm conditions. It does not
apply to Trouble or Supervisory
Cross zones have the ability to individually protect
the intended area (e.g. motion detectors, which
For SIA CP-01 Compliance:
P## Cross Point can be set to Yes or No.
P## Fire Point
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes This point is a Fire point.
No This point is not a Fire point.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to Yes for all applicable Fire
Use this option to make a 24-hour point a Fire point.
This option makes this point the highest priority event
in the control panel when an alarm occurs for both
reporting and displaying on the keypad. Refer to
Section 3.2.2 Characteristics of a Fire Point on
page 91.
You should dedicate a fire annunciation
device to all your Fire points if they are
assigned to a single area in a multiple
area system. Special red keypads and
annunciators with specific keys for fire
systems are designed for this type of
application (D1256RB and D1257RB).
Do not use the Cross point function for
Fire points.
P## Alarm Verify
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: Yes or No
Enable alarm verification on this
Alarm verification points must be
programmed as resettable.
Disable alarm verification on this
Use this option only with Fire points to designate them
for alarm verification.
When an Alarm Verification point enters into alarm,
the control panel removes power to all Resettable
points for the duration programmed in A# Verify Time
in Section 2.8 Area Parameters on page 36. If the
point (or another Resettable point in the area) is still
faulted, or returns to a faulted state within 60 sec after
the initial verification time reset, an alarm is
During a Fire Walk Test the reset time is
5 sec. The time programmed in A# Verify
Time is ignored.
P## Resettable
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: Yes or No
This point is reset by the Reset
Sensor? function and during the
alarm verification sequence.
No This point is not resettable.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to Yes for applicable
resettable points.
Use this option if this is a Powered point that requires
interruption of power to reset a latched alarm
condition. The Resettable point option is typically used
with smoke detectors and glass break detectors.
When initiated (either through a Fire Walk Test or the
keypad’s Reset Sensor? function) or when the remote
programming software (RPS) interrupts power to the
device for 5 sec, a Sensor Reset report is sent to the
central station receiver.