D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 30
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
AC Tag Along is required for NFPA
and UL 864 Commercial Fire systems.
Be sure to program AC Fail/Restoral
Report as No if AC Tag Along is
programmed Yes.
AC/Battery Buzz
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Initiates panel-wide trouble tone at
all keypads.
No Does not initiate panel-wide trouble
tone at keypads
Initiates a panel-wide trouble tone at keypads when
AC fails or battery is low or missing. This program
item does not prevent the SERVC AC FAIL or
SERVC BATT LOW displays.
To comply with NFPA standards and
UL 864 requirements for Commercial Fire
systems, program this item as Yes.
If annunciating panel-wide troubles at a
keypad with CC# Scope set to Panel
Wide is undesirable, set CC# Trouble
Tone to No. Refer to Section 2.9 Keypad
(Command Center) on page 50 for
keypad configurations.
Bat Fail/Restoral Report
Default: Yes
Yes or No
Battery Failure and Restoral Reports are
sent to the central station.
Missing or
below 12.1
No Battery Failure and Restoral Reports are not
sent to the central station.
To comply with NFPA standards and
UL 864 requirements for Commercial Fire
systems, program this item as Yes.
2.5 Printer Parameters
Up to three D9131A Parallel Printer Interface Modules
can be connected to the D9412GV3’s (one printer for
the D7412GV3’s) SDI bus. Each printer is identified by
an address of 17, 18, or 19. Options are available for
Routing Reports and area assignments.
Printer Address
Default: 17
17, 18, or 19 (only 17 is available
for the D7412GV3)
Enter the printer address you are programming.
P## Area Assign
Default: 1
1 to 32 for D9412GV3
1 to 8 for D7412GV3
Assign an area to the printer programmed in Printer
P## Supervised
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Only one printer can be installed for
this P## SDI address.
No More than one unsupervised printer
can be installed using this P## SDI
address and the same address DIP
switch setting.
Supervise this SDI address. Generate Trouble SDI ##
Reports and local trouble annunciation if a problem
occurs with this printer or the SDI bus.
Unsupervised printers sharing the same
address setting print the same text.
Trouble SDI ## Reports are always
reported as Area 1, Account 1 Events
regardless of where the SDI device is
When P## Supervised is set to Yes and
all Printer Event Groups (such as P##
Fire Events, P## Burglar Event, or P##
Usr Chng Evt) are set to No, the control
panel does not generate Trouble SDI ##
Reports for the printer if the D9131A
becomes disconnected.