D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 Schedules (Skeds) EN | 106
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
W# Monday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Tuesday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Wednesday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Thursday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Friday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Saturday
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
W# Open Early Begin
Default: 00:00
Selection: HH:MM (hours and minutes)
00:00 to 23:59
Open Early Begin: This program item is one of three
required to create an Opening Window. To finish
programming an Opening Window, Open Window
Start and Open Window Stop must be programmed.
The time programmed in the W# Open Early Begin
field is the earliest time that the user is allowed to
open an area before the Opening Window Start time.
If Opening and Closing Reports are enabled,
disarming the area between midnight and the open
Early Begin time generates an Opening Report.
If A# Disable O/C in Window is set to Yes and
the area is disarmed between the Open Early
Begin time and the Open Window Start time, the
Opening event is sent with an Early to Open
modifier. If the Open Early Begin time is the
same as the Open Window Start time, no
Opening Event is sent.
If Disable O/C in Window is set to No and the
area is disarmed at any time, an Opening Event
is sent without an Early to Open or Late to Open
Disarming the area between the Open Window Start
and open Window Stop times creates a local event in
the control panel event log, but does not send the
Opening Report to the central station.
Disarming the area between the Open Window Stop
time and before the next window’s Open Early Begin
time (or midnight, whichever is earlier) generates an
Opening Event with a Late to Open modifier.
When configuring multiple windows to operate on the
same day, ensure that they are added to the system
in chronological order. For example, if three windows
are programmed to execute on Tuesday, Window 1
(W1) must occur before Window 2 (W2), and Window
2 must occur before Window 3 (W3).
Avoid programming the Open Early Begin
time before a time that is between
another window’s Open Window Start
and Open Window Stop times.
Do not program a window to cross the
midnight boundary.
Disabled windows have a beginning time of 00:00. If
the entry for this prompt is 00:00, but times are
programmed for Open Window Start and Open
Window Stop, the window is disabled.
To disable the window, all hours and minutes spaces
must be 00:00.
Make time entries using a 24-hour clock.
For example:
Midnight is entered as 00:00
7:00 AM is entered as 07:00
2:45 PM is entered as 14:45
11:59 PM is entered as 23:59
Reboot the control panel to activate today’s window,
if the window needs to activate on the same day you
program it.