D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 ACCESS CONTROL EN | 143
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
This command unlocks the door
regardless of the armed state.
Each fire alarm that is generated causes
a Door Unlocked – Automatic Event.
D# Disarm on Open?
Default: Yes
Selection: Yes or No
The area disarms only after the door
is opened for a user with a valid
disarm level.
The area disarms whether or not the
door is opened as soon as a user
with a valid disarm level presents a
valid token or card.
Use this program item to determine if the door needs
to be physically opened before disarming the area
upon a valid access request. The user initiating the
access request needs access levels that allow
disarming with ID.
D# Card Type
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 3
0 Card format is 26-bit Wiegand.
Do not use. Card format is 37-bit
This item must be kept to a value of 0 (26 bit
Wiegand format).
6.2 Strike Profile
This programming category is used to create a
specific door profile for:
Strike and shunt times.
Extending strike and shunt times if a door is left
Resetting the strike when the door opens.
Door #
Default: 1
Selection: 1 to 8
Enter the door you are programming.
D# Strike Time
Default: 10 sec
Selection: 1 sec to 240 sec
Strike Time is not programmed for
this door.
1 to 240
The strike activates for the amount
of time programmed.
Enter the amount of time the door controller toggles
the relay output to activate the door strike. When the
door strike is activated, the user can open the door.
The strike activates for a valid token, RTE, REX, and
the keypad CYCLE DOOR? function.
D# Shunt Time
Default: 10 sec
Selection: 0 to 240 sec
Shunt Time is not programmed for
this door.
1 to 240
The shunt activates for the amount
of time programmed.
Enter the amount of time that the Door point is
shunted to allow a user to open the door. The
duration of time should be sufficient so that the
opened door does not cause the point to enter into a
trouble, alarm, or faulted condition.