Canon FAX-L800 User’s Guide ENGLISH
2-2 Chapter 2Setting Up
How to Use This Guide
Before you use this guide, read this list of symbols, terms, and abbreviations, and
make sure you know what they mean. A complete glossary of terms is included at
the end of this User’s Guide.
(Q2-12) A number preceded by an arrow and enclosed in
parentheses references a page number in this User’s Guide
which contains more information about the topic of the
previous sentence.
default A setting that remains in effect unless you change it.
document A document is the original sheet(s) of paper you send,
receive, or copy on the facsimile.
menu A menu is a list of options or features from which you
select an item to set up or change. A menu has a number
and title which appear in the two-line display.
search buttons The search buttons (
) change the LCD display. Press
to display the next item or choice in a menu, or press
to display the previous item or choice.
transaction number When you send or receive a document, your fax
automatically assigns the document a unique transaction
number. A transaction number is a four-digit decimal
number that will help you keep track of documents you
send and receive.
TX/RX NO. On the LCD display, TX/RX NO. is the abbreviation used
for transaction number
RX Denotes receiving.
TX Denotes transmitting or sending.
A note describes helpful hints, restrictions, or how to avoid minor difficulties.
Cautions show you how to avoid conditions or incorrect operations that could
cause damage to your hardware or software or cause personal injury.
This icon denotes feeding a document.