Canon FAX-L800 User’s Guide ENGLISH
16-26 Chapter 16Summary of Important Settings
6.DISPLAY LANGUAGE Select a language for prompts, messages, menus and printed reports.
The number of languages available may be different depending on
where you purchased your fax machine.
7.TX START SPEED Set the transmission speed for all documents you send.
Available settings: 14400, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400 bps
8.RX START SPEED Set the transmission speed for all documents you receive.
Available settings: 14400, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400 bps
9.RX PASSWORD Set an RX password to match the ITU-T password of all incoming
document transmissions.
Enter a 20-digit (max.) ITU-T password. To receive a document, this
RX password must match the ITU-T password of the incoming
After the RX password has been set, all incoming documents must
have a matching ITU-T password.
The document will be received regardless of this setting if the
incoming document has a matching subaddress and password for a
memory box.
10.ENERGY SAVER Set the fax machine to reduce power consumption when not in use.
OFF Fax machine does not power down even when it is idle.
ON The fax machine reduces power consumption after it has remained
idle for a specified length of time.
ENERGY SVR TIME Set the idle time to elapse and trigger
reduced power consumption. (03 to 30
min.) Default is 03 min.
11.PHONE NO. CHECK Allows you to prevent sending a document to an unwanted
destination. The number you dial is checked with connected number
and if they match, then the document is sent.
OFF The number is not checked.
ON The fax uses the last six digits of the number you dial to match with
the last six digits of the other party’s number registered on the
remote fax. If the numbers match the document is sent. Otherwise,
the document is not sent.