Canon FAX-L800 User’s Guide ENGLISH
12-12 Chapter 12Other Special Features
Feature Menu Item Description of default
Reduction of
document image
RX REDUCTION All documents are automatically reduced to fit on a sheet of
paper. You can also set the reduction rate to a fixed rate. You
can select one of the fixed rates to increase the amount of
reduction, or you can turn reduction off. (Q16-15)
Report: Activity
Management Report
ACTIVITY REPORT An Activity Management Report prints after every 40
transactions. Transactions are listed in chronological order. You
can turn this feature off or set the fax to print an Activity
Management Report at the same time every day. You can also
change the format of the report by listing sending and receiving
transactions separately. (Q16-8)
Report: Confidential
CONFID. RX REPORT A report is printed every time you receive a document in a
confidential mailbox. You can turn this feature off. (Q16-8)
Report: Error TX REPORT
If an error occurs while you are sending a document, an Error
TX report is printed automatically. (Q16-7)
Report: Memory box
A report is printed every time you receive a document in a
memory box. This feature can be turned off. (Q16-8)
Report: Paper supply
for printed reports
The default setting if off (no paper cassette selected). You can
select the front or lower cassette (if you install the optional
cassette), or the side cassette, for the print report paper supply.
Report: Receiving RX REPORT A report is not printed when you receive a fax. However, you
can set the fax to print a report every time you receive a
document or if an error occurs during reception. (Q16-7)
Restricting use: DACs,
user access codes
RESTRICTIVE CODES No password or access codes are set on the fax to restrict
sending documents, printing, or using the handset to make a
telephone call. All these functions can be restricted.
(Q13-5, 16-24)
Restricting use:
Stopping junk mail
RX RESTRICTION The fax is set to receive all incoming documents. You can
restrict receiving to only numbers registered on your fax for
speed dialling. (Q13-14, 16-25)
The starting speed for all transactions is set for 14400 bps.
Slower settings are available. (Q16-26)
Stamp TX STAMP If you have the optional stamp feature on your fax machine, you
can turn the stamp feature on with this switch. The default
setting is off. (Q12-7, 16-11)
Tel/Fax switching MAN/AUTO SWITCH You can set a time interval for the fax to wait until it
automatically enters the document receive mode when the fax is
set for manual receiving. (Q16-12)
Telephone line TEL LINE TYPE Your fax is set to operate on a rotary pulse telephone line.
(Q3-10, 16-6)