Canon FAX-L800 User’s Guide ENGLISH
16-3Chapter 16 Summary of Important Settings
Summary of User Data Settings
Here is a summary of the user data menus.
Use these settings to set up the operating environment of the fax unit. These
settings include important features like registering the names, telephone number
and the date and time that prints on documents you send, setting alarms and
scanning density, and so on. Do these settings as soon as you set up your fax.
After they are set, you should not need to change them very often. (Q16-4)
Use these settings to set the fax to print a report every time you send or receive a
document and set up printing a summary report for all your sending and
receiving transactions. Use these features to keep track of your fax transactions.
Use these settings to customize how the fax sends documents. With these settings
you can turn ECM on and off, set mid-pause time, set up re-dialling and other
features. (Q16-9)
4.RX (Receive) SETTINGS
Use these settings to customize how the fax receives documents. These settings
are important because they determine how the fax operates when it receives a
document. (Q16-12)
Use these settings to set how the fax unit prints documents you receive. These
features include selecting a cassette for paper supply, reducing the size of the
page, and the order of printing. (Q16-14)
Use these settings to set up major features like confidential mailboxes and
polling. (Q16-17)
Use these settings to set up security and tracking features with passwords and
department passwords and codes. You can also set important defaults such as the
format in which the date and time will be displayed, selecting the display
language, and the sending and receiving start speeds. (Q16-24)