Replacement Filters
The Carrier 52P and 52C model replacement air filters
come in packages of 10. The filters save energy by pre-
venting the evaporator coils from being plugged with dirt
and lint. These economical and sturdy filters are inter-
changeable and may be washed, vacuumed, and reused.
Energy Management Kit
Part No.: EM-KIT
This field-installed accessory kit allows individual
units to be turned on and off from a remote location.
The kit incorporates Carrier’s Freeze Guard protection
that prevents rooms from freezing during extreme or
extended cold periods. Under these conditions, the
Freeze Guard automatically disables front desk control
and allows the unit to maintain a temperature of at
least 50 F in the room. When the room reaches 65 F,
the Freeze Guard feature returns the unit control to the
front desk.
This kit interfaces to most energy management sys-
tems. When installed in locations other than the front
desk, the kit can control unit operation by receiving
signals from field-supplied devices such as motion
sensors or heat sensing detectors.
Control devices connected to the Energy Management
Kit must have normally open sets of contacts (when
the switch is open, the unit operates). A 24-volt trans-
former must be field supplied and connected to the
Energy Management Kit. (See typical wiring diagram
on page 49.)
Easily Replaceable Filters
Energy Management Kit
(52P AND 52C) (cont)