Chapter 4 Network Configuration
AAA Client Configuration
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• If you are using NDGs, click the name of the NDG to which the AAA client
is assigned. Then, click the name of the AAA client.
• To edit a AAA client when you have not enabled NDGs, click the name of the
AAA client in the AAA Client Hostname column of the AAA Clients table.
The AAA Client Setup For Name page appears.
Step 3 Modify the AAA client settings, as needed. For information about the
configuration options available for a AAA client, see AAA Client Configuration
Options, page 4-11.
Note You cannot directly edit the name of a AAA client; rather, you must delete
the AAA client entry and then re-establish the entry with the corrected
name. For steps about deleting a AAA client entry, see Deleting a AAA
Client, page 4-21. For steps about creating a AAA client entry, see
Adding a AAA Client, page 4-16.
Step 4 To save your changes and apply them immediately, click Submit + Restart.
Tip To save your changes and apply them later, click Submit. When you are
ready to implement the changes, click System Configuration, click
Service Control, and then click Restart.
Note Restarting the service clears the Logged-in User report and temporarily
interrupts all Cisco Secure ACS services. This affects the Max Sessions