User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Chapter 8 System Configuration: Basic
Cisco Secure ACS Active Service Management
• Email notification of event—Specifies whether Cisco Secure ACS sends an
e-mail notification for each event.
To—The e-mail address that notification e-mail is sent to. For example,
SMTP Mail Server—The simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server
that Cisco Secure ACS should use to send notification e-mail. You can
identify the SMTP server either by its hostname or by its IP address.
Setting Up System Monitoring
To setup Cisco Secure ACS System Monitoring, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click System Configuration.
Step 2 Click ACS Service Management.
The ACS Active Service Management Setup page appears.
Step 3 To have Cisco Secure ACS test the login process, follow these steps:
a. Select the Test login process every X minutes check box.
b. Type in the X box the number of minutes (up to 3 characters) that should pass
between each login process test.
c. From the If no successful authentications are recorded list, select the
action Cisco Secure ACS should take when the login test fails five successive
Step 4 To have Cisco Secure ACS generate a Windows event when a user attempts to log
in to your network using a disabled account, select the Generate event when an
attempt is made to log in to a disabled account check box.
Step 5 If you want to set up event logging, see Setting Up Event Logging, page 8-20.