Chapter 13 User Databases
Novell NDS Database
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Novell NDS External User Database Options
You create and maintain configurations for Novell NDS database authentication
on the NDS Authentication Support page in Cisco Secure ACS. This page enables
you to add a configuration for a Novell NDS tree, change existing tree
configurations, and delete existing tree configurations in a single submission to
the Cisco Secure ACS web server. Cisco Secure ACS displays information for
each tree configured, plus a blank section for creating a tree. The configuration
items presented for each tree are as follows:
• Add New Tree—Appears only on the blank form for new trees. Selecting this
check box confirms that you want to add a new tree.
• Delete Tree—Appears only on existing tree configurations. Selecting this
check box indicates that you want to delete the tree configuration when you
click Submit.
• Test Login—Selecting this check box causes Cisco Secure ACS to test the
administrative login of the tree to the Novell server when you click Submit.
• Tree Name—Appears only on the blank form for new trees. The name of the
Novell NDS tree against which Cisco Secure ACS should authenticate users.
• Administrator Username—The fully qualified, typeless username for the
administrator of the Novell server. For example:
You can use anonymous credentials for the administrator username if the
Novell NDS server is configured to make the group name attribute visible in
searches by anonymous credentials. Otherwise, you must specify a
administrator username that permits the group name attribute to be visible to
Table 13-1 Example Usernames with Contexts
User Valid Username With Context
Agamemnon Agamemnon
Odysseus Odysseus.marketing
Penelope Penelope.marketing-research.marketing
Telemachus Telemachus.marketing-product.marketing