Chapter 13 User Databases
ODBC Database
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Step 6 From the System DSN list, select the DSN that is configured to communicate with
the ODBC-compliant relational database you want to use.
Note If you have not configured on the computer running Cisco Secure ACS a
DSN for the relational database, do so before completing these steps. For
more information about creating a DSN for Cisco Secure ACS ODBC
authentication, see Configuring a System Data Source Name for an
ODBC External User Database, page 13-70.
Step 7 In the DSN Username box, type the username required to perform transactions
with your ODBC database.
Step 8 In the DSN Password box, type the password required to perform transactions
with your ODBC database.
Step 9 In the DSN Connection Retries box, type the number of times Cisco Secure ACS
should try to connect to the ODBC database before timing out. The default is 3.
Note If you have connection problems when Windows starts, increase this
Step 10 To change the ODBC worker thread count, in the ODBC Worker Threads box,
type the number of ODBC worker threads. The maximum thread count is 10. The
default is 1.
Note Increase the ODBC worker thread count only if the ODBC driver you are
using is certified thread safe. For example, the Microsoft Access ODBC
driver is not thread safe and can cause Cisco Secure ACS to become
unstable if multiple threads are used. Where possible, Cisco Secure ACS
queries the driver to find out if it is thread safe. The thread count to use is
a factor of how long the DSN takes to execute the procedure and the rate
at which authentications are required.