
Installation (Windows NT)
PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI Graphics Controllers 4–5
Table 4-2 PowerStorm 300/350 Software Components on the CD (cont.)
Component Description File Name
Release Notes, which can be read using the Notepad
application in Windows NT. You access this application by
selecting Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad.
Support for PowerStorm 300/350 in VGA mode (Intel
platform only)
4.3.3 Before You Begin
The operating system version required is:
Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0, Service Pack3 (SP3) or later.
Please note the following two possible installation sequences:
If you are installing a new version of, or upgrading, Microsoft Windows NT,
follow the procedures in Sections 4.3.4 and 4.3.5.
If you are upgrading your PowerStorm software display drivers only, follow the
procedure in Section 4.3.5.
4.3.4 New Installation or Upgrade of Windows NT
__________________________ Note _____________________________
If a graphics controller other than a PowerStorm 300 AGP or 300/350 PCI
graphics controller was previously operating in the workstation, keep that
controller installed and install the PowerStorm display drivers (see Section
4.3.5). If the previously installed graphics controller is not available or it is not
operational, follow the procedure in this section.
Before installing PowerStorm software during a Windows NT upgrade or new installation,
you must have already installed a PowerStorm 300 AGP or 300/350 PCI graphics
controller. You can then install Windows NT according to the Windows NT
During Windows NT installation, a hardware and software component list like the one
below is displayed:
Computer: Compaq Professional Workstation xxx (xxx = CPU type)
Display: VGA Compatible