Operation (Compaq Tru64 UNIX)
7–8 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI Graphics Controllers
Table 7-2 Supported GLX Visuals on PowerStorm 350 PCI Graphics
Visual ID * 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24
Color buffer format RGB RGB RGB RGB
Color buffer size (8,8,8,0) (8,8,8,0) (8,8,8,0) (8,8,8,0)
Overlay planes
Double-buffered X X
Quad-buffered X X
Z-buffer size 24 24 24 24
Stencil planes 1 1 1 1
Accum buffer size (16,16,16,0) (16,16,16,0) (16,16,16,0) (16,16,16,0)
X class TrueColor TrueColor TrueColor TrueColor
X depth 24 24 24 24
X colormap size 256 256 256 256
X RGB masks (
0xff00, 0xff
0xff00, 0xff
0xff00, 0xff
0xff00, 0xff
X significant bits 8 8 8 8
* Visual IDs listed are for the first screen. Equivalent visuals on the second head of a
dual-head configuration will have different visual IDs.