PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI Graphics Controllers 7–1
Operation (Compaq Tru64 UNIX)
7.1 Introduction
This chapter provides information about post-installation tasks and use of the OpenGL
drivers with a PowerStorm 300/350 PCI graphics controller on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX
7.2 After Installation
After you have installed the PowerStorm 300/350 driver, you may wish to adjust the
screen resolution and refresh rate, to alter the buffer swap synchronization or the default
texel size, or to identify the driver version for troubleshooting purposes. The following
sections describe how to perform these tasks.
7.2.1 Changing the Screen Resolution and Refresh Rate
The screen resolution and refresh rates are collectively referred to as the video mode.
Table 5-1andTable 5-3 indicate which video modes are supported by the PowerStorm 300
PCI and PowerStorm 350 PCI graphic controllers, respectively (the resolutions are the
same for Tru64 UNIX and Windows NT). Note that the PowerStorm 350 PCI graphics
controller has twice as much frame buffer memory, and can thus support some higher
resolutions than the PowerStorm 300 PCI graphics controller.
The default video mode is 1280x1024 pixels at 75 Hz. Before changing the video mode,
verify that your monitor can handle the new parameters. Refer to your monitor
documentation for this information. Then perform the following steps:
Login to the system as root. Ensure that no other user is currently working locally at
the X console or connected remotely to the X server. You may choose to reboot the
system in single-user mode before continuing.
2. Edit the file
/var/X11/Xserver.conf. Save a backup copy.