
Installation (Compaq Tru64 UNIX)
PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI Graphics Controllers 6–9
You can then display the values set for particular parts of a given subsystem, such as "vm"
or "proc", as shown:
# sysconfig -q
In this command, the value of subsystem_name is "vm" or "proc".
The /etc/sysconfigtab configuration file is read during bootup, and sets the values
When using CAD/CAM/CAE or similar three-dimensional graphics applications on Tru64
UNIX, one step that frequently helps improve performance is to add the following line to
the end of the /etc/sysconfigtab file:
ubc-borrowpercent = 50
More advanced tuning of your Tru64 UNIX system depends on the type of user activity
and data files. For example, if you perform occasional assembly modeling operations with
numerous view and edit operations on individual components, adding the following lines
to the end of the /etc/sysconfigtab file can also improve performance:
vm-maxvas = 1610612736
per-proc-data-size = 268435456
max-per-proc-data-size = 1610612736
per-proc-stack-size = 4194304
max-per-proc-stack-size = 48000000
max-per-proc-address-space = 1610612736
This technique is a suggested first level of tuning to try for average workloads. To achieve
the best possible performance on your system, however, you should consult the Tru64
UNIX tuning documentation, experiment with the different tuning techniques proposed,
and monitor the results while your application is running.