11.3 Adding Software to an Existing DMS Environment
Perform the following steps to add software to an existing DMS environment:
1. Log in as root to each DMS client registered to the DMS environment
or use the su command to gain superuser privileges.
2. Use the shutdown command to shut down the DMS client.
___________________ Caution ___________________
If DMS clients that mount the usr area of the target
/var/adm/dms/dmsN .alpha area are running when you
install an additional software product, their usr area may
change unpredictably and cause destruction of software or
data or both.
Repeat this step for each DMS client registered to the DMS environment
where you are adding software.
3. Log in as root to the DMS server or use the su command to gain
superuser privileges.
4. Mount the CD-ROM that contains the software you want to install as
shown in Section 11.2, or mount the file system area that contains the
software kits.
5. Enter
/usr/sbin/dmu to start the dmu utility. You see the DMS Main
*** DMU Main Menu ***
Choices without key letters are not available.
a) ADD a client
c) CONFIGURE software environments
d) DELETE software environments
i) INSTALL software environments
l) LIST registered clients
m) MODIFY a client
r) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software environments
Enter your choice:
11–6 Setting Up a DMS Environment