Choose one of the following options:
1) Extract software from /mnt/ALPHA/BASE
2) Create symbolic link to /mnt/ALPHA/BASE
Enter your choice:
– If you select Create symbolic link, the ris utility creates
symbolic links from the RIS area to the subset directories on the
specified source. Disk space planning is not required because
the subsets do not reside in the RIS area. The source must be on
line and mounted for clients to access the subsets. Unlike subset
extraction, no subset selection is required. Clients registered for
symbolically linked RIS product areas can access all subsets.
________________ Caution ________________
If you unmount, delete, or switch the source where
the RIS area is linked, the RIS area is corrupted.
Remount the source to restore the RIS area.
– If you select Extract software, the ris utility copies the
selected subsets from the source into the RIS area. You must
know the specific subsets to extract and whether there is
sufficient disk space. See Section 3.2 for information about
planning disk space for RIS.
Clients can install only the subsets that are extracted into
RIS product areas where they are registered. Using extracted
subsets improves RIS environment performance.
The ris utility lists the mandatory and optional software
subsets you can install. Select the subsets that you want to
extract; the ris utility displays your list for confirmation. For
The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed
automatically unless you choose to exit without installing
any subsets:
{mandatory subset list}
Optional subsets are listed below. There may be more optional
subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is
the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen, or all at
once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be
collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
{optional subset list}
4–4 Setting Up a RIS Area