ā Which directory in the RIS area conains the operating
system software. Examine the /usr/var/adm/ris/risN
.alpha/ProdNames file to determine this directory.
ā¢ If you install from a base operating system CD-ROM mounted on the
mount point /mnt, the /mnt/ALPHA/UPDATE directory contains the
operating system hardware update release.
D.2 Installing a Hardware Release into a DMS Area
Follow these steps to install the operating system hardware update release
into an existing DMS area:
1. Follow the instructions in Section 11.2 to install the previous version of
the operating system into a new DMS environment.
____________________ Note _____________________
Do not configure the DMS environment at this time.
2. Follow the instructions in Section 11.3 to install the hardware update
release into the same DMS environment that you created in the
previous step.
3. Follow the instructions in Section 11.4 to configure the DMS
You can now serve DMS clients from the updated operating system hardware
______________________ Note _______________________
Section 12.8 explains how to use the dmu utility to show DMS
software environments. This procedure displays only the
operating system product name in each DMS environment.
To determine if a hardware release is installed in a DMS
environment, use the setld command.
For example, the following command produces a list of the subsets
installed into the client root area of /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha:
# setld -D /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha/root -i
See setld(8) for more information.
Dā2 Hardware Update Releases in DMS