
Choices without key letters are not available.
a) ADD a client
d) DELETE software products
i) INSTALL software products
) LIST registered clients
) MODIFY a client
) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments
Enter your choice:
3. Enter i to select INSTALL software products. You see the RIS
Software Installation Menu:
RIS Software Installation Menu:
1) Install software into a new area
2) Add software into an existing area
3) Return to previous menu
Enter your choice:
4. Enter 2 to select Add software into an existing area. You see a
list of the existing RIS areas, similar to the following example:
You have chosen to add a product to an existing environment.
Select the remote installation environment:
1) /usr/var/adm/ris/ris0.alpha
’POLYCENTER Advanced File System’
’DECsafe Available Server Environment (ASE)’
’System V Environment’
2) /usr/var/adm/ris/ris1.alpha
’Sort Runtime Library’
’Free Software Foundation GNU Source (Rev nnn)’
’DEC Ada Support Library’
Enter your choice or press RETURN to quit:
5. Enter a number to select the corresponding RIS area.
6. Continue to mount distribution media and choose subsets as described
in Section 4.2 . Press the Return key if you want to return to the RIS
Utility Main Menu.
Repeat this procedure for each additional group of subsets you want to
4–6 Setting Up a RIS Area