CrayDoc™ Installation and Administration Guide
install Bourne shell script for automated installation
of CrayDoc. This script simply finds your Perl
location and then calls configure.pl.
manuals Directory containing all the Cray book files.
manpages Directory containing all the Cray man page files.
Perl Directory containing source code for Perl 5.6.1.
This version of Perl includes all the modules
required for CrayDoc.
Perl_mods Directory containing the Data/Dumper.pm and
Mail/Sendmail.pm Perl modules.
releases Directory containing ASCII file(s) of the packages
included on your CrayDoc CD. Each file
contains necessary information about each of the
documents included with the package.
Once you have determined that you have the necessary software, and you have
configured Apache correctly for either Stand-alone (Section 3.1, page 12) or
Shared mode (Section 3.2, page 12), you will want to create your CrayDoc
configuration file, copy your CrayDoc files to the correct locations, and customize
your HTML interface, as described in the following sections.
4.2.2 The craydoc-config File
If you install your CrayDoc software suite manually, you need to create a
configuration file similar to the following example.
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