Administration [6]
also reindex the search engine, which you should do each time you are finished
removing or installing documents. At any time you may type q or e to exit the
cdadmin tool.
Note: The cdadmin tool will allow you to install your own, local
documentation on the CrayDoc server, so that you can make custom
documents available to your users. Select the Install Custom Documents
mode to create a new, local publication number, title and brief summary. You
may install documents of any format you wish, but only HTML files will be
indexed by the search engine. Any HTML files you install should be placed
inside a directory named html-
pubnumber, where pubnumber is the local
publication number you created for your documents. The html-pubnumber
directory should be a subdirectory of the directory $library/pubnumber. The
cdadmin will create these directories for you as part of the Install Custom
Documents mode.
6.3 The Search Engine
The CrayDoc search engine is based on the PerlFect Search 3.30
package (http://Perlfect.com/freescripts/search/) and
modified under the auspices of the GNU General Public License
Note: PerlFect is not responsible for the modifications that Cray has made to
their software and will not support your CrayDoc search engine. Direct any
questions or concerns directly to Cray.
The CrayDoc search engine is highly configurable. The version that is installed
with CrayDoc is optimized for use with CrayDoc, but you may find that you
want to change some of the configuration to suit your particular needs. The
relevant file is located at $ScriptAlias/search/conf.pl, which may be edited
with any text editor.
Caution: Modifying the conf.pl file may have lots of unforeseen
consequences, particularly in the time it takes to reindex your library and the
speed and accuracy of your searches. We suggest that you make a backup
copy or comment out the original lines when you make changes, so that
you can easily return to a version of the conf.pl file that is known to work
well with CrayDoc.
If you change certain settings in the conf.pl file, you must reindex your
documentation in order for the changes to take effect. These settings are
annotated as such in the conf.pl file. In addition, you should always reindex
your library if you add or remove manuals.
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