
Administration [6]
This chapter addresses the administration of your CrayDoc system, including
installation and removal of Cray documentation packages.
6.1 Tools
When you installed your CrayDoc server software, you should have installed a
number of administration tools as well.
Warning: The following scripts, with the exception of cdadmin, are provided
as-is, as a service to the administrator, with no implied support from Cray.
Use them at your own risk.
The following tools should have been installed:
autohomepage.pl Perl script to create custom index.html pages
for your book directories. By default, this script
uses the craydoc.pm Perl module, installed
in $ScriptAlias/modules, to create an HTML
document showing the contents of a book
directory in a style consistent with the rest of the
CrayDoc user interface. You can modify either the
autohomepage.pl script, the index.html page
that is produced, or the craydoc.pm module
itself to change the look and feel of your book
directory home page.
cdadmin The main administration tool for the CrayDoc
server system. See Section 6.2, page 26 for a
complete description of how to use this tool.
cdbackup.sh A simple Bourne shell script for making a backup
of your most important databases.
check.index.cron Perl script intended to be run from a cron
job. check.index.cron will compare the
timestamps of all your installed documentation
against the timestamp of your search index
database, and warn you if you have documents
that are not indexed. Very useful as an added
precaution against forgetting to re-index your
search engine after installing or removing
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