Administration [6]
4. Copy your 1.0 books.dmp and packages.dmp files from your renamed 1.0
$ScriptAlias directory to the new 2.0 $ScriptAlias directory. Verify that they
have the correct permissions. See Section 2.3.2, page 9 for more information
about permissions.
Example 3:
prompt> cp /var/www/cgi-bin.10/packages.dmp /var/www/cgi-bin/
prompt> cp /var/www/cgi-bin.10/books.dmp /var/www/cgi-bin/
5. Open a web browser and point it at the URL of your new 2.0 installation.
If you can see the CrayDoc welcome page, then you have installed 2.0
correctly and should proceed to the next step. Otherwise, verify that you
have configured the 2.0 craydoc-config file correctly, and that your
permissions are set correctly. Often, the Apache error log is a good place
to check for error messages. See the Apache documentation for how to
access the error log. See Section 4.2.2, page 18 for more information about
the craydoc-config file.
6. At this point, your 2.0 server software is installed correctly, and you need to
move your existing documentation to the new $DocumentRoot location.
Example 4: Moving the manuals/ directory
prompt> mv /var/www/docs.10/manuals /var/www/docs/
You should now be able to point a web browser at your original CrayDoc
URL and view the documentation you already had installed in version 1.0. If
any of the links are broken, verify that the new 2.0 craydoc-config settings
are correct.
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