This delicious soup is perfect all summer long.
2 pounds ri p e tomat oes on
the v ine, cut into 1-inch
p i e ce s , divided
12 ounc es enGli sh cucumber ,
cut i nto 1-inch p ie c e s ,
2 yel lo w p ep p e r s , cut into
1-inch p i ec e s , divided
1 larGe red onio n, cut int o
1-inch p i ec e s , divided
4 cup s Grape tom ato es
3 Garlic clove s
1 j alapeño p e p p e r, s e e d e d
and cut into 1-inch p i e ce s
½ cup f r e s h cilantro
¾ teas poo n p a pr i k a
c up s h er r y vineGar
2 sl ice s w h i t e br ead
1 teas poo n Groun d c u m i n
2 teas poo ns ko she r salt
1 teaspoo n f r es h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r
½ tablespo on Granulated
suG ar
cu p ext ra virGin olive oil
Makes 8 cups
Approximate preparation time: 10 to 15 minutes
Reserve 1 cup of the tomatoes, ½ of the cucumbers,
½ of the yellow peppers, and ¼ of the red onion.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work
bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the
remaining tomatoes, cucumber, yellow pepper, onion,
grape tomatoes, garlic, jalapeño, and cilantro to the work
bowl. Pulse to chop, about 25 pulses. Add the paprika,
sherry vinegar, bread, cumin, salt, pepper and sugar.
Process ingredients for 2 minutes; add the olive oil during
the last 10 seconds through the small feed tube. Remove
the soup base and place through a fine mesh strainer to
strain; continue to press juice through the strainer, using
a spatula or the bottom of a ladle, until the mixture is
very dry.
Pulse reserved vegetables 6 to 8 times to roughly chop.
Add chopped vegetables to the strained broth. Taste and
adjust seasonings accordingly; serve.
Nutritional information per serving (1 cup):
Calories 172 (64% from fat)
carb. 14g
pro. 2g
fat 13g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 0mg
sod. 407mg
calc. 31mg
fiber 2g