Makes 12 biscuits
Approximate preparation time: 10 minutes plus
10 minutes for baking
Preheat oven to 500°F. Line one baking sheet with
parchment paper.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add both
flours, cream of tartar, and baking soda and process to
combine for 10 seconds. Add the sugar, salt and pepper
and process again for 5 seconds. Add the cold butter
and pulse 15 times to incorporate into the dry
ingredients, until the size of the butter resembles peas.
With the machine running, pour the buttermilk through
the feed tube and process until just incorporated.
Remove dough from work bowl and place onto a well
floured surface. Knead dough by hand about two times,
form into a log and cut into 12 equal pieces. Form each
piece into a ball and place evenly spaced onto the
prepared baking sheet.
Bake about 10 minutes, until golden brown. Once
biscuits are ready, remove from oven and brush with
melted butter. Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per biscuit:
Calories 206 (44% from fat)
carb. 25g
pro. 4g
fat 10g
sat. fat 6g
chol. 28mg
sod. 543mg
calc. 30mg
fiber 1g
2¼ c ups unblea ched,
all -pu r p o se flou r
¾ cup cak e flou r
1 tablesp oon cream
of tartar
4½ teas poo ns bakinG s oda
¼ teaspoon Granulated
suG ar
½ tabl esp oon se a salt
¼ teaspoon f r es h l y Ground
p e p pe r
9 tablesp oons (1 s t i c k plus
1 tabl esp oon) unsalted
b u t t er, col d and cubed
1 cup b u t t e r m i l k
2 tablesp oons unsalted
b u t t er, m e lt e d
These biscuits are so light and delicious that you will
want to make them every night.