Makes approximately 32 meatballs
Approximate preparation time (meatballs):
10 minutes plus 25 minutes for cooking
Approximate preparation time (meatloaf):
10 minutes plus 90 minutes for cooking
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large
work bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Put the
onion, parsley, bread, meat, dry milk and spices into the
work bowl; pulse 4 to 6 times and then process until
finely chopped. Add the eggs and water and pulse until
combined; be careful not to overprocess.
Shape the mixture into balls, 2 tablespoons each.
Arrange them in a single layer in a baking dish and bake
at 375°F for 25 minutes or simmer in tomato sauce until
cooked through.
To make meatloaf: Pack the mixture into a 9 x 5 x 3-inch
loaf pan and bake at 375°F for about 90 minutes, until
the top is well browned and the internal temperature
registers 160°F.
Nutritional information per serving (1 meatball):
Calories 78 (55% from fat)
carb. 2g
pro. 7g
fat 5g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 31mg
sod. 125mg
calc. 20mg
fiber 0g
Nutritional information per serving (1 1-inch slice meatloaf):
Calories 376 (55% from fat)
carb. 10g
pro. 31g
fat 22g
sat. fat 8g
chol. 151mg
sod. 601mg
calc. 95mg
fiber 1g
1 med i u m on ion (about
3 ounc es) quartered
½ cup f r e s h p a r s l e y l e a v es
2 s li ces day-old f i r m bread,
tor n into p i e ce s
1 poun d b on e l e s s chuc k,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
1 poun d b on e l e s s pork,
cut i nto 1-inch p i ec e s
¼ cup no nfat dry mi l k
1½ teas poo ns ko she r salt
½ teaspoon Groun d
n ut m e G
¼ teas poo n dried th y m e
2 larGe eGGs
cup c old w a t e r
A classic recipe to use for meatballs and meatloaf.