A classic vinaigrette – toss with mixed greens or drizzle over grilled chicken.
¼ cup red w in e vineGa r
1 teaspoo n dijo n-s t y l e
mus tard
¼ cup f r e s h p a r s l e y
½ teas poo n dried basil
½ teas poo n dried th y m e
½ teas poo n dried marjoram
½ teas poo n kos her salt
¼ teaspoon Groun d
w h i t e p e pp e r
¾ cup ext ra virGin ol ive oil
Makes 1 cup
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the small metal chopping blade into the small work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the vinegar, mustard,
parsley and remaining herbs and spices and process to
combine and roughly chop. With machine running, slowly pour
the olive oil through the feed tube until all ingredients are
homogenous, about 3 minutes.
TIP: Dressing can easily be increased – use either the
medium or large work bowl depending on the amount of
dressing desired.
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 91 (99% from fat)
carb. 0g
pro. 0g
fat 11g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 0mg
sod. 76mg
calc. 2mg
fiber 0g
Taste the difference in homemade mayonnaise.
4 larGe eGG y olk s*
½ teas poo n kos her sal t
2 tablesp oon di jon -s t y l e
mus tard
2 teaspoo n f r es h l e m o n
jui ce or w h it e w in e
2 t o 2½
c ups v e G e t ab l e or
cano la o il, divided
Makes about 3 cups
Approximate preparation time: 5 to 10 minutes
Insert the small metal chopping blade into the small work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Process the egg yolks, salt,
mustard and lemon juice until smooth, about 30 seconds.With
the machine running, add ¼ cup of the oil through the feed
tube, drop by drop, being sure each drop is incorporated with
the yolks before adding the next. This step should take about
5 minutes. Once the mixture is emulsified and homogenous,
slowly add remaining oil until thick, about 1 minute. Taste and
adjust seasoning accordingly.
For herb mayonnaise: process ¹
cup firmly packed fresh herbs,
stems removed (e.g., parsley, dill, tarragon, basil, etc.), stems
removed, with the yolks before adding the oil.
For lower-cholesterol mayonnaise, and to avoid using raw
eggs, Egg Beaters
may be substituted for the egg yolks.
*Raw egg warning:
Caution is suggested in consuming raw and lightly cooked
eggs due to the slight risk of salmonella or other food-borne
illness. To reduce this risk, we recommend you use only fresh,
properly refrigerated, clean, grade A or AA eggs with intact
shells, and avoid contact between the yolks or whites and
the shell.
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 85 (98% from fat)
carb. 0g
pro. 0g
fat 10g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 17mg
sod. 38mg
calc. 2mg
fiber 0g