Effective December, 1998
IL 33-FC6-1
Page 13
Step 15: Testing the Breaker
A. Measure the force necessary to trip the Breaker
at the point where the DTA flange nut contacts
the Trip Finger. The force necessary to trip the
Breaker MUST NOT EXCEED 3 lbs.
B. The Retrofit must be tested using primary
injection. Refer to Section 8 of the
for the Application of Digitrip RMS Retrofit
Kits on Power Circuit Breakers
AD 33-855-1, June 1997), supplied with the
Retrofit Kit, for detailed test procedures and
specfications. For test information specific to
the Trip Unit, refer to the IL publication supplied
with the Retrofit Kit (see the Pick List for the
IL number).
C. While Section 8 of the
Instructions for the
Application of Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kits on
Power Circuit Breakers
provides the information
necessary for testing the Breaker, please keep
the following notes in mind when reviewing
other sections of the publication.
CAUTION: When all testing is complete, the Trip
Unit must be reset. Failure to do so may cause
the Battery in the Rating Plug to run down.
1. Publication AD 33-855-1 was created
specifically for the “hundred” series (500,
600, 700, etc.) Retrofit Kits. Therefore certain
sections and figures do not apply to the
“ten” series (510, 610, 810, etc.) Retrofit Kits.
Specifically, these are Sections 13 and 14, as
well as Figures 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4.
For All Kits Other Than 510 Basic.
If testing the Breaker with Short Delay or
Ground Fault functions, be sure to either
plug in the Cell Harness Assembly or use
the Zone Interlock Shorting Plug. Failure to
do so may result in shorter than expected
trip times.
For 810 and 910 Kits Only.
Without any power applied to the system
(neither the 120 volt power supply nor the
Aux. Power Module connected), plug the
External Harness into the Cell Harness and
check the impedance between COM 1 and
COM 2. The impedance should be between
1 and 3 ohms. If the impedance is not
within this range, trace the wiring and
examine each connection to assure its
Confirm that the IMPACC communicating
wiring is correcrt by following the proce-
dures detailed in Section 7.4 of the
Instructions for the Application of Digitrip
RMS Retrofit Kits on Power Circuit
. Note that for 810 and 910 Kits,
the impedance between COM 1 and COM 2
should be between 1 and 3 ohms.
When the test is complete, disconnect the
External Harness from the Cell Harness.
Final External Harness Connection will be
performed in Section 16.
For Kits Supplied with a Cell Harness Only.
Step 16: Mounting the Cell Harness
A. The Cell Harness is to be mounted in the
Breaker Cell. The connector end is to be
mounted on the right front side of the Cell, in
a location suitable for connection with the
External Harness. The Terminal Blocks can be
mounted anywhere space is available in the
Cell as long as connection to the External
Harness can be made.
B. Route the Cell Harness wiring to keep it
away from any moveable parts within the
Cell Housing.