Remote Operation
Interface Commands
Command Function
Associated Setting or
Function (screen)
SENS:APER:PRES Sets the measurement timing settings to preset
SENS:APER:SAMP Sets the measurement Sample Period Sample Period (Timing Settings)
SENS:AVER1 Sets the Average Enable for the sample average Average Enable (Timing Settings)
SENS:AVER2 Sets the digital lter’s Filter Enable Filter Enable (Digital Filter)
SENS:AVER2:COUN Sets the digital lter’s Average Count setting Average Count (Digital Filter)
SENS:AVER2:CLEA Clears the digital lter buffer CLEAR FILTER f-key (Digital Filter)
SENS<n>:DATA? Reads a channel’s latest resistance measurement
SENS<n>:RRAT:DATA? Reads a channel’s latest resistance ratio
STAT:OPER? Reads and clears the Operation Status Event
STAT:OPER:COND? Reads the Operation Status Condition Register
STAT:OPER:ENAB Sets the Operation Status Enable Register
STAT:PRES Sets the status enable registers to dened states
STAT:QUES? Reads and clears the Questionable Status Event
STAT:QUES:COND? Reads the Questionable Status Condition Register
STAT:QUES:ENAB Sets the Questionable Status Enable Register
SYST:BEEP Produces an immediate beep from the speaker
SYST:BEEP:KEY Sets the Keypad Beep setting Keypad Beep (Display Settings)
SYST:BEEP:ALER Sets the Alert Beep setting Alert Beep (Display Settings)
SYST:CODE:VERS? Read the rmware code version
SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR Sets the IEEE-488 port’s Address setting Address (IEEE-488 Port)
SYST:COMM:GPIB[:STAT] Sets the IEEE-488 port’s Port Enable setting Port Enable (IEEE-488 Port)
SYST:COMM:GPIB:TERM Sets the IEEE-488 port’s Termination setting Termination (IEEE-488 Port)
SYST:COMM:SER:BAUD Sets the serial port Baud Rate setting Baud Rate (Serial Port)
SYST:COMM:SER:LIN Sets the serial port Linefeed setting Linefeed (Serial Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:ADDR Sets the network port’s IP Address setting IP Address (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:CONT Sets the network port’s Control Enable setting Control Enable (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:DHCP Sets the network port’s DHCP Enable DHCP Enable (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:GAT Sets the network port’s Gateway setting Gateway (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:KEEP Sets the network port’s keep-alive timeout
SYST:COMM:SOCK:MAC? Reads the network port’s Hardware MAC address Hardware MAC (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:MASK Sets the network port’s Subnet Mask setting Subnet Mask (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:SOCK:NAME Sets the network port’s Host Name Host Name (Network Port)
SYST:COMM:USB[:STAT] Sets the USB port’s Port Enable Port Enable (USB Port)
SYST:CONF:CHAN? Reads the number of available channels
SYST:CONF:SCAN? Reads the model number of an attached scanner
SYST:DATE Sets the Date of the system clock Date (Time and Date)
SYST:ERR? Reads the next error in the error queue
SYST:KLOC Sets the front-panel key lock
SYST:PASS:CDIS Disables access to password-protected settings
SYST:PASS:CEN Enables access to password-protected settings
SYST:PASS:CEN:STAT? Returns the password access state
SYST:PASS:GROU:MEAS Sets the password Measure Protection setting Measure Protection (Password)
SYST:PASS:GROU:PROB Sets the password Probe Protection setting Probe Protection (Password)