Remote Operation
Interface Commands
Sets the resistor denition assigned to a front reference resistor input. (Use the command
INP:REAR<n>:RS:IDEN to assign a resistor denition to a rear Rs input.)
Sufx <n> species the front input (channel) number and must be either 2 or 4.
Parameter <id> must be either the ID of a resistor denition in the Resistor Library, “VAR” (variable), or
“NONE”. Enclosing quotations marks are optional. If <id> does not match the ID of a resistor denition in the
Resistor Library or an allowed option, error -224,“Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
The response to the query form is the ID of the resistor enclosed in quotation marks if a valid resistor ID is as-
signed to the input. If the resistor assignment is variable or none, the response is “VAR” or “NONE” respec-
tively, without quotation marks.
A channel’s Calculation setting will be changed from temperature to resistance (see Section,
CALC<n>:TYPE TEMP|RES|RAT, on page 80) if its Reference Resistor (Rs) setting was set to the speci-
ed input and the resistor assignment for the input is set to variable. A channel’s Reference Resistor (Rs)
setting will be changed from the specied input to the internal 100 Ω resistor if the resistor assignment for the
input is being set to none. INP:RS:NEXT?
Example response: “R100_023”
Reads the ID of the next resistor in the Resistor Library. It also advances the library index used for the next
response to the INP:RS:NEXT? command.
If there are no more resistors in the Resistor Library, no response is given and error -230,“Data corrupt or
stale” is generated in the error queue. INP:RS:OVEN:STAB?
Returns the stable condition of the oven. The response is 1 if the temperature is stable and 0 if not. INP:RS:PAR <id>,<name>,<value>
Example command: INP:RS:PAR “R25_01322”,RES,25.001098
Query form: INP:RS:PAR? <id>,<name>
Password protection: Resistor Protection
Sets the value of a setting in a resistor denition.
Parameter <id> is the ID of a resistor denition in the Resistor Library. If <id> does not match the ID of a
resistor denition in the Resistor Library, error -224,“Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
Parameter <name> species the setting to set. Settings and their associated names are listed in the table below
(also see Section, DEFINE RESISTOR (F2), on page 31).
Setting <name> <value> type or options
Resistance RES decimal number
Maximum Current MAX_CURR decimal number
Calibration Date CAL_DATE string: “<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>”
Due Date DUE_DATE string: “<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>” INP<n>:RS:ROUT <source>
Query form: INP<n>:RS:ROUT?
Sets a channel’s Reference Resistor (Rs) setting (see Section, CHANNEL SETTINGS (F2), on page
Sufx <n> species the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14
for channels of the rst attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner.