1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
Reads the ID of the next probe in the Probe Library. It also advances the library index used for the next re-
sponse to the INP:PROB:NEXT? command.
If there are no more probes in the Probe Library, the response is an empty string, “”. INP:PROB:PAR <id>,<name>,<value>
Example command: INP:PROB:PAR “PRT_A46002”,TYPE,PRT
Query form: INP:PROB:PAR? <id>,<name>
Example query command: INP:PROB:PAR? “PRT_A46002”,TYPE
Example query response: PRT
Password protection: Probe Protection
Sets the value of a setting in a probe denition.
Parameter <id> is the ID of a probe denition in the Probe Library. The ID should be enclosed in double
quotation marks. If <id> does not match the ID of a probe denition in the Probe Library, error -224,“Illegal
parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
Parameter <name> species the setting to set. Settings and their associated names are listed in the table below
(also see Section, EDIT PROBE (F3), on page 36).
Setting <name> <value> type or options
Calibration Date CAL_DATE string: “<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>”
Nominal Current NOM_CURR decimal number
Maximum Current MAX_CURR decimal number
PRT type settings
Maximum Temperature MAX_TEMP decimal number, dependent on Unit setting
ITS-90 conversion settings
RTPW RTPW decimal number
High Subrange HIGH_SUB NONE|5|6|7|8|9|10|11
Low Subrange LOW_SUB NONE|1|2|3|4|5
ITS-90 subrange settings
A1 – A11 A1 – A11 exponential number
B1 – B9 B1 – B9 exponential number
C1 – C5, C6, C7 C1 – C5, C6, C7 exponential number
D D exponential number
PT-100 conversion settings
R0 R0 decimal number
CVD-ABC conversion settings
R0 R0 decimal number
A A exponential number
B B exponential number
C C exponential number
CVD-ALPHA conversion settings
R0 R0 decimal number
ALPHA ALPH exponential number
DELTA DELT exponential number
BETA BETA exponential number
Polynomial conversion settings