Remote Operation
Interface Commands
Adds a new probe denition to the Probe Library. Before a probe can be assigned to a channel and tem-
perature measured, the probe must have its denition added to the Probe Library (see Section,
INP<n>:PROB:IDEN <id>, on page 85).
Parameter <id> is the ID of the new probe denition. It can contain letters, numerals, hyphens, periods, for-
ward slashes, and underscores. It must be between one and 24 characters in length, inclusive.
If <id> is different from all other IDs in the Probe Library and space is available in the Probe Library, a new
probe denition will be added and given the specied ID. The probe parameters will initially be set to default
values. The command INP:PROB:PAR should be used to set the parameters.
If <id> matches the ID of a probe already in the Probe Library or the Probe Library is full, no new probe de-
nition is added, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” will be generated in the error queue. INP:PROB:COUN?
Alternate parameter: MAX
Reads the number of probe denitions in the Probe Library. INP:PROB:DEL <id>
Example command: INP:PROB:DEL “PRT_A46002”
Password protection: Probe Protection
Deletes a probe denition from the Probe Library.
Parameter <id> is the ID of the probe denition to delete. If <id> does not match the ID of any probe in the
Probe Library, nothing is deleted, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
If the deleted probe was assigned to a channel the channel’s probe setting is changed to undened (see Section, INP<n>:PROB:IDEN <id>, on page 85). INP:PROB:FIRS?
Example response: “PRT_A46002”
Reads the ID of the rst probe in the Probe Library. It also resets the library index used by the
INP:PROB:NEXT? command.
If the Probe Library is empty the response is an empty string, “”. INP<n>:PROB:IDEN <id>
Example command: INP1:PROB:IDEN “PRT_A46002”
Example command: INP2:PROB:IDEN NONE
Query form: INP<n>:PROB:IDEN?
Assigns a probe denition to the channel.
Sufx <n> species the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14
for channels of the rst attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner.
Parameter <id> must either be the ID of a probe denition in the Probe Library, or “NONE” (undened). En-
closing quotations marks are optional. If <id> does not match the ID of a probe denition in the Probe Library,
error -224,“Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
If a valid probe ID is assigned to the channel, the response to the query form is the ID of the probe enclosed in
quotation marks. If the assigned probe is undened, the response is “NONE” without quotation marks.
The channel’s Calculation setting will automatically be set to resistance if it was temperature when the chan-
nel’s assigned probe is set to NONE. INP:PROB:NEXT?
Example response: “A71040”