Syntax tacplus <enable|disable> [ order=<tac,local | local,tac>] - enable or disable TACACS
authentication, specifying the order in which the server or local database is looked up where “tac,local”
implies, first the TACAS+ server, then local logins on the device. Default order is Local then
TACACS+ server.
Syntax tacserver <add|delete> id=<num> [ip=<ip-addr>] [port=<tcp-port>]
[encrypt=<enable|disable>] [key=<string>] [mgrlevel=<level>]
[oprlevel=<level>] – adds a list of up to five TACACS+ servers where
<add|delete> – [mandatory] adds or delete a TACACS+ server.
id=<num> – [mandatory] the order in which the TACACS+ servers should be polled for
[ip=<ip-addr>] – [mandatory for add] the IP address of the TACACS+ server
[port=<tcp-port>] – [optional for add] TCP port number on which the server is listening
[encrypt=<enable|disable>] – [optional for add] enable or disable packet encryption
[key=<string>] – [optional for add, mandatory with encrypt] when encryption is enabled,
the secret shared key string must be supplied
[mgrlevel=<level>] and [oprlevel=<level>] – [optional] specifies the manager and
operator level as defined on the TACACS+ server for the respective level of login
Magnum6K25# show tacplus servers
ID TACACS+ Server Port Encrypt Key
1 49 Enabled secret
2 -- -- -- --
3 -- -- -- --
4 -- -- -- --
5 -- -- -- --
Magnum6K25# user
Magnum6K25(user)## show tacplus status
TACACS+ Status : Disabled
Magnum6K25(user)## tacplus disable
TACACS+ Tunneling is disabled.
Magnum6K25(user)## tacserver add id=2 ip= encrypt=enable key=some
TACACS+ server is added.
Magnum6K25(user)## show tacplus servers
ID TACACS+ Server Port Encrypt Key
Check the status of TACACS+ authentication.
Note – this command was run in the user
configuration mode.
To configure TACACS+ enter the user configuration mode
This command works in the user configuration
mode as well. Note – maximum of five
TACACS+ servers.