object or in a newer format as an ASCII (readable) file. The new format is preferred by GarrettCom
and GarrettCom recommends all configuration files be saved in the new format. GarrettCom
recommends saving the configuration in the old format only if there are multiple Magnum 6K family of
switches on the network and they all run different versions of MNS-6K. GarrettCom recommends to
upgrade all switches to the most current release of MNS-6K.
Config files
As shown in the figure above, MNS-6K can now use the ftp, tftp or xmodem commands to
upload and download information to the server running the proper services. One useful capability
provided in MNS-6K is the capability to export the CLI commands (as described in this manual)
used to configure the switch. To do that, for example, using the tftp command, the sequence of
commands are shown below
Magnum6K25# show ftp
Current FTP Mode: NORMAL
Magnum6K25# set ftp mode=passive
FTP Set to Passive Mode
Magnum6K25# show ftp
Current FTP Mode: PASSIVE
Magnum6K25# set ftp mode=normal
FTP Set to Normal Mode
Magnum6K25# show ftp
Current FTP Mode: NORMAL
Magnum6K25# ftp put type=config ip= file=config
Do you wish to export configuration file? [ 'Y' or 'N'] Y
Successfully exported the configuration
FIGURE 39 – commands to save the configuration using ftp. Similar options will be specified using tftp etc.
When using the ftp command, use the host command discussed later in this section to define the ftp server
After saving the contents of the saved configuration file are as follows
# Copyright (c) 2001-2007 GarrettCom, Inc All rights reserved.
# ---------------------------------
# Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to U.S. Government
# restrictions as set forth in Sub-division (b)(3)(ii) of the
# rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
# 52.227-7013.
# This file is provided as a sample template to create a backup