priority, the higher the priority. The port with the highest priority is the primary port (over which certain
types of traffic like IGMP is transmitted)
Syntax del port=<number|list|range> - delete specified ports from the LACP membership
Syntax edit port=<number|list|range> [priority=<priority>] - edit the membership of the ports
specified. The priority can be from 0 – 65535
Syntax show lacp – displays the status and other relevant LACP information
Chapter 17 – Quality of Service
Syntax qos – enter the QoS configuration mode
Syntax setqos type=<port|tag|tos|none> [port=<port|list|range>]
[priority=<high|low>] [tos=<0-63|list|range>][tag=<0-7|list|range>] - depending
on the type of QOS, the corresponding field has to be set. For example, for QOS type tag, the tag levels
have to be set, and for QOS type ToS, the ToS levels have to be set. If the priority field is not set, it then
defaults to low priority. ToS has 64 levels and the valid values are 0-63 and a tagged packet has 8 levels
and the valid values are 0-7.
Syntax set-weight weight=<0-7> - sets the port priority weight for All the ports. Once the weight is set, all
the ports will be the same weight across the switch. The valid value for weight is 0-7
Syntax show-portweight - display the weight settings on a port
Syntax show qos [type=<port|tag|tos>] [port=<port|list|range>] – displays the QoS settings
Syntax set-untag port=<port|list|range> priority=<high|low> tag=<0-7> - The 802.1p user
priority assigned to untagged received packets to be transmitted as tagged from the priority queue
Chapter 18 - IGMP
Syntax igmp – IGMP configuration mode
Syntax igmp <enable/disable> - enable or disable IGMP on the switch
Syntax show igmp – IGMP operation status
Syntax mcast <enable | disable> - enable or disable unknown multicast streams. The default is enabled
Syntax set igmp mode= <normal|l2> - set the IGMP mode. Normal is when a L3 device is in the
network and is the IGMP root. The IGMP-L2 is used when there is no L3 device in the network