Once the switch is configured with an IP address, the Command Line
Interface (or CLI) is also accessible using telnet as well as the serial port. Access to the
switch can be either through the console interface or remotely over the network.
The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables local or remote unit installation and
maintenance. The Magnum 6K family of switches provides a set of system commands
which allow effective monitoring, configuration and debugging of the devices on the
Console setup
Connect the console port on the switch to the serial port on the computer using the serial
cable listed above. The settings for the HyperTerminal software emulating a VT100 are
shown in Figure 1 below. Make sure the serial parameters are set as shown (or bps =
38400, data bits=8, parity=none, stop bits=1, flow control=none).
FIGURE 1 - HyperTerminal screen showing the serial settings
Console screen
Once the console cable is connected to the PC and the software configured, MNS-6K
legal disclaimers and other text scrolls by on the screen.