Concord Ultra 32
Phone Options Menu
The PHONE OPTIONS menu lets you set up system phone access and communications that affect
the whole system (global) or a specific partition.
The following describe how to program the phone option settings that appear under
Phone Number (0180)
Phones-Downloader Phone (Default = none)
Use this setting to enter the phone number of an off-site com-
puter that can be used to program the panel through the phone
line. Phone numbers can be 1 to 24 digits long, including
pauses or * and # characters.
Call-waiting services should be disabled to prevent interrupting
panel communication to the downloader. To program a dialing pre-
fix that disables call-waiting, see the Call Wait Cancel setting under
the menu
To enter pauses, press C.
To enter *, press and hold 7 for about two seconds.
To enter #, press and hold 9 for about two seconds.
To program a downloader phone number:
1. With the display showing PHONE NUMBER (current num-
ber), enter the desired phone number. The display
flashes the entered number.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
To delete a downloader phone number:
1. With the display showing PHONE NUMBER (current num-
ber), press D to erase the number. The display shows
Phone Test (02000)
Phone Options-Global (Default = on)
This setting determines if the user can, at any time, test the com-
munication from the panel to the central station or a pager by
8 + CODE + 2 (# + 8 + CODE + 2 from a touch-tone
For UL 1635 listed installations, this feature must be set to on.
¾To turn the Phone Test setting off or on:
1. With the display showing PHONE TEST OFF/ON (cur-
rent setting), press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display
flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Auto Phone Test (02001)
Phone Options-Global (Default = off)
This setting determines if the panel sends a phone test automati-
cally to the central station or a pager on a predetermined sched-
ule. (Refer to the “Phone Test Freq.” and “Next Phone Test”
settings found under
For UL 1635 listed installations, this feature must be set to on.
¾To turn Automatic Phone Test off or on:
1. With the display showing AUTO PHONE TEST OFF/ON
(current setting), press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display
flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Auto Test Reset (02002)
Phone Options-Global (Default = on)
This setting determines whether or not the Auto Phone Test interval is reset after
any successful report to the central monitoring station. (Refer to the “Phone Test
Freq.” and “Next Phone Test” settings found under
When this feature is on, the panel considers any successful report to the central
monitoring station to be a successful phone test. Thus, any panel report resets the
Next Phone Test setting to the Phone Test Freq. value. The panel only conducts an
Auto Phone Test if no other reports have been made during the Phone Test Freq.
time period.
Phone Test Freq must be set to 2 or higher for Auto Test Reset to work.
When this feature is off, an Auto Phone Test is always conducted according to the
schedule of the Phone Test Freq. setting, even if the panel makes other reports to
the central monitoring station during that time period.
To turn Auto Test Reset off or on:
1. With the display showing AUTO TEST
(current setting), press
1 (off) or 2 (on). The display flashes
the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new