
Concord Ultra 74
Module is not communicating on Bus and indicates a “Bus Failure Unit nn”. Where nn represents the Wireless Gate-
way unit number.
1. Check that the module is wired correctly to the panel terminals.
2. Verify that the module’s red Bus LED is flashing. If not, remove power and check all the wiring.
Module’s status LED’s don’t turn on after initial power-up.
1. Wait 5 - 8 minutes for the module to communicate with alarm.com.
2. Access code Lock feature must be turned off to work properly.
3. Make sure another Automation or Gateway Module isn’t learned into the panel’s memory. Con-
cord Ultra panels support only one Automation or Gateway Module.
Module doesn’t communicate with alarm.com.
1. Check module’s status LED’s. Refer to the “SuperBus 2000 Wireless Gateway Module” instruc-
tions for a description of the LED’s.
Feature Problem Action/Solution