
Concord Ultra 70
System cancels sensor bypass when you try to arm to level 2 or 3.
Sensor is being bypassed before arming to 2—STAY or 3—AWAY. Arm to the desired level before
bypassing a sensor.
Wireless Sensor and Touchpad Batteries
System indicates Sensor/Touchpad nn low battery.
Replace the indicated device battery. Test the sensor/touchpad after replacing the battery.
If the sensor/touchpad is not tested after battery replacement, the system continues to show a low bat-
tery condition, since that was the last signal it received from the device. Testing the sensor/touchpad
with new batteries allows the panel to receive a signal with good battery information.
Central Station/Pager Reporting
Central station/pager is not receiving reports.
1. Check that the premises phone line is working.
2. Perform a phone test.
3. Check that the DB-8 cord is plugged into the RJ-31X/CA-38A jack.
4. Check that the DB-8 cord is wired correctly to the panel.
5. Check for correct phone line wiring between the TELCO block and RJ-31X/CA-38A jack.
6. Replace faulty RJ-31X/CA-38A jack.
7. Replace faulty DB-8 cord.
8. Verify that central station/pager phone number is programmed into the panel. Reprogram the
phone number and retest, if necessary.
9. Verify that the correct phone format (SIA or CID) is being used.
10. For pagers, extend the pager delay setting (see the PHONE OPTIONS—GLOBAL menu in the “Pro-
gramming” section.
Alphanumeric Touchpads
Display shows all ************.
Touchpad is not connected to panel bus terminals or is wired incorrectly. Check and correct wiring.
Alphanumeric Touchpads (continued)
Display is blank.
1. Check that panel is powered up.
2. Check for touchpad power and/or bus miswiring, opens, or shorts.
3. Check touchpad brightness setting (see the user-programming OPTIONS menu in the “Program-
ming” section).
Touchpad buttons don’t beep when pressed.
1. Check for touchpad power and/or bus miswiring, opens, or shorts.
2. Check that key beeps option is set to on (see the ACCESSORY MODULES—BUS DEVICES menu in
the “Programming” section).
Fixed Display Touchpads
Display is lit but does not respond to key presses.
Touchpad is not connected to panel bus terminals or is wired incorrectly. Check and correct wiring.
Display is blank.
1. Check that panel is powered up.
2. Check for touchpad power and/or bus miswiring, opens, or shorts.
3. Check touchpad brightness setting (see the user-programming OPTIONS menu in the “Program-
ming” section).
Touchpad buttons don’t beep when pressed.
1. Check for touchpad power and/or bus miswiring, opens, or shorts.
2. Check that key beeps option is set to on (see the ACCESSORY MODULES—BUS DEVICES menu in
the “Programming” section).
Speakers don’t sound alarms.
Feature Problem Action/Solution