Concord Ultra
The following sections describe the settings that appear under REPORTING—PARTITION 1-2.
Swinger Limit (06014)
Reporting-Global (Default = 1)
This setting determines the maximum number of times (1–2) a sensor or zone can go into
alarm (during a single arming period) before the panel automatically bypasses that sensor
or zone. This feature only applies to sensors or zones in groups 00–20, 29, 34, or 35.
When set to 1, the panel automatically bypasses a sensor or zone after it causes an alarm.
When set to 2, the panel waits until a sensor or zone has caused a second alarm (during
the same arming period) before bypassing it. At any setting, the automatic bypass is
logged into the event buffer.
A bypassed sensor or zone will be cleared (automatically unbypassed) if the system
receives no further activations from that sensor or zone over the next 48–50 hours.
Changing the arming level also clears all automatically bypassed sensors and zones and
resets the Swinger Limit count on all sensors and zones.
To set the Swinger Limit:
1. With the display showing
SWINGER LIMIT n (current set-
ting), press the desired num-
ber (1–2). The display flashes
the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows
the new setting.
Program Report (06015)
Reporting-Global (Default = off)
When this setting is on, the panel sends a report to the cen-
tral station when someone enters or exits installer program-
To turn Program Report on or off:
1. With the display showing PROGRAM REPORT ON/OFF (cur-
rent setting), press 1 (off) or 2 (on). The display flashes the
entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Opening Reports (partition 1: 06100, partition 2: 06200)
Reporting-Partition 1-2 (Default = off)
When this setting is on, the panel sends an opening report to the central
station after disarming the system.
To use this feature, the Open/Close Reports settings under the
must be turned on for the specific CS Phone or Pager number.
¾To turn Opening Reports off or on:
1. With the display showing OPENING REPORTS
(current setting), press 1 (off) or 2
(on). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Closing Reports (partition 1: 06101, partition 2: 06201)
Reporting-Partition 1-2 (Default = off)
When this setting is on, the panel sends a closing report to the central sta-
tion after arming the system.
To use this feature, the Open/Close Reports settings under the PHONES menu
must be turned on for the specific CS Phone or Pager number.
¾To turn Closing Reports off or on:
1. With the display showing CLOSING REPORTS
(current setting), press 1 (off) or 2
(on). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.
Recent Closings (partition 1: 06102, partition 2: 06202)
Reporting-Partition 1-2 (Default = on)
When this setting is on, the panel sends a recent closing report to the cen-
tral station if an alarm occurs within two minutes after the exit delay time
expires. Such a report is used to identify a possible exit fault.
To turn Recent Closings off or on:
1. With the display showing RECENT CLOSINGS
OFF/ON (current setting), press 1 (off) or 2
(on). The display flashes the entered setting.
2. Press # and the display shows the new setting.