Baking or Roasting
To avoid possible bur*_s, place ltze racks in
lhe de,sbvd posilion b{,fiav you llo'n lke oven on.
The racks haxe stop-locks, so that when
placed correctlx on the sui)ports, the) will stop
befi)re coming completely out, and will not tilt.
X4hen placing and removing cookware,
pull the rack out to the bran I) on the
rack sui)port.
To remove a rack, pull it toward you
tilt the front end up and pull it out.
To replace, place the end of the rack
(stop-locks) on the sui)i)ort, tilt up the
front and push the rack in.
30" ovens (shown) have7 rack positions.
27" ovenshave 4 rack positions.
How to set
the oven jbr
baking or
1 Press the BAKI _]pad.
2 Press the nmnber pads to set the desired
tern pera ture.
3 Press the START pad.
4 Check tk)o(1 for doneness at minimmn time
on recipe. Cook hmger if necessary:
5 Press the CLEAR/OFF pad when cooking
is complete.
NOTE: A cooli_g" fitn may aulomalicall), turn on
and (ffj to cool internal parts. Tkis is normal and
the tim mr9' continue to run ev_m ({tier the oven is
turboed q]]_
Rack Position
Type of Food 27" Oven 30" Oven
Frozen pies Bor C C or D
(on (ookie sheet)
Angel food cake A B
Bundt or pound cakes B B
Biscuits, muffins, Bor C C or D
brownies, cookies,
cupcakes, layer
cakes, pies
Casser_les Bor C C or D