Before You Call For Service...
I,l?lll Oven
shooting tips
OVEN DOORWILL * The oven is too hot. _Mlow the oven to cool below loddng temperature.
OVEaN NOT CLEAN * (-_ en controls improperly set. See the {._int{"t/w S_(/=Ch_a_int{"()v_ section.
AI)TER A CLEAN * (-Xen was heavily soiled. Clean up heax T spillo\ ex5 befi)re starting the
clean cycle. Heaslv soiled ovens may need to self-clean again or fl)r a
longer period ot time.
"LOCK" * The self-clean cycle has been selected but the door is not closed.
FLASHES IN Close the oven doox:
LOCKED LIGHT * The oven dora is locked because the temperilture inside the oven has
IS ON WHEN YOU not dropped below tile locldng temperature. Press the CLEAR/OH?
WANT TO COOK pad, _Mlow the o\vn to cool
CONTROL SIGNALS * You fi)rgot to enter a bake temperature or cleaning time. Press the
AkTER ENTERING BAKE, pad and desired temperatm'e or the SELF CLEAN STD/LOW
COOKING TIME OR pad and desired clean time.
"F AND A NUMBER * You ha\v a flmction error code. Press the CLF=kR/OFF pad. _Mlow the
OR LF,TFER" FLASH o\en to cool for one horn: Put the oxvn back into operation.
IN THE DISPLAY * Disconnect all power to the oven fbr 30 seconds and then recom_ect
powel: If the flmction error code repeats, call flw service.
DISPLAY GOES * A fllse in your home may be blown or the drcuit breaker tripped.
BLANK Replace tJ_e fuse or reset tile drcuit breake*;
• The clock is in the black-out mode. See the O'ue;_Control, C[oc/¢and
7_mer section.
DISPLAY I)IASHF£ * Power fidlure. Reset the clock.
UNABLE TO GET * ()yen control pads were not pressed properly. The BAKE and the
THE DISPLAY TO BROIL HIGH/LOW pads must be pressed at the same time and heM
SHOW "SF" fiw 3 seconds.
"PROBF2' APPFARS * This is reminding you to enter a })robe tempelature atier plugging in
IN THE DISPLAY the probe. Enter a probe teFapesature.
POWER OUTAGE, * Power outage 05"sm'ge. Reset the the clock. If the oven was in use, you
CLOCK FLASHES must reset it by pressing the CLEAR/OFF pad, setting the clock and
resetting any cooldng iimction.
STEAM kNOM * \\]_en using the convection teature, it is n(mnal to see steam coming out
THE VENT (ff tile o\vn vent. _&stile n[ll/lber (ff rilcks or alllOtlllt of tk)od being cooked
increases, the amount ot visible steam will increase.
"BURNING" OR * This is normal in a new oven and will disappear in time. To speed the
"OILY" ODOR p*ocess, set a seli:clean cycle fiwa minimum of 3 hom_. See the { isint_"the
F2MITTING FROM S¢(/_C&ming" O'u(_zsection.
STRONG ODOR * This is teml)orm)'. An odor fl'om the insulation around the inside of the
_wen is nomml for the fil_t tbw times the _wen is tlsed.
* A cooling tim or a con\ ection iim (depending on the flmction you are
using) may automatically turn on. This is nomml. The cooling tim will
turn on to cool internal parts. It may run fiw up to 1-1/2 hom_ in 30"
models and up to 2 hom_ in 27" models a/ter the oven is turned ofl_
The convection Km will cycle on and off 5mtil the flmcti(m is o\er or
the door is opened.