How to set
a delayed
start and
}_)u(a_ set the (rvt_?z_o_h'ol to &da.>sta*t the ovt_??,
.,ohf,,..s#.@ /,',,,abq ti,,_,_.,,,ltb,_,,t,lr,,4/
a utomati(_dl3,.
Make sure tile o\vn clock shows tile correct
time (4 dm.
Press tile CONV BAKE/1 RACK pad
(Convection Bake 1-Rack mode) fl)r 1-rack
convection baking. This mode is used for
cooking food items on only 1 rack in
convection bake.
Press tile CONV BAKE/MULTI pad
(Convection Bake Multi mode) for multi-rack
convection baking. This mode is used fin"
cooking food items on more than one rack
(i.e. 2, 3 or more racks) at tile same time in
Convection Bake. See the Midti-mch
convection bahb_g" section fi)r more
Press the CONV ROAST pad for convection
2 Press tile number pads to set tile desired
();ell tel//pera[tlre.
3 Press tile COOKTIME pad.
N07_: ljyour _eciper(,clui_:s,Im@:atiz_q;,you may m:ed
to add additiomd time to tile #_q_h, o.,/tile (oohi_q, time.
4 Press the number pads to set tile desired
cooking time.
5 Press tile DELAY START pad.
6 Press tile number pads to set tile time of da}
_OH _#allt tile ();ell to tHrll Oll slid stal'_ cooldng
If you would like to check the times you have set,
p*ess tile DELAY START pad to check the start
time you haw set or p*ess tile COOK TIME pad
to check tile length (ff cooldng time you have set.
7 Press tile START pad,
NO_I_: Ar_ atte_tio_ to_e will solmd !/you me usi_q
timed bakk_g"or roastk_g"a*_ddo _wt pres;stile START
pad a.fiterer_teriz_q,tile bahir_q,or mastb_q, temperatme.
When tile oven turns on at tile time of clay you
have set, tile displa_ will show the changing
temperature (starting at 100°F) and tile cooldng
time cotllltdowll. (Tile display starts changing
once tile temperature reaches 100°E)
N07_: (hz doubb o'vt_z models; rvhe_zusb_g"both o'vt_s
at the same tim_, the times sh(ra_@g"i_ flu"disp[O' will be
fi)r the last ove_ set. 7b di@/_O' tlw time sdjbr tbe /h:st
ov_z set,/)n,s:s the DEIAY START pad to (Tbt_gTlgtb_(¢start
time you have set or pres:stim COOK 77ME pad to check
tim/englh (?/_ookb_fftime you have set,
Tile oven will continue to cook for tile
programmed amount of time, then shut off
automatically, unless tile \\;_RM tbature was set.
See tile How to set the 0verc/br warmir_g" section.
8 Press tile CLEAR/OFF pad to clear tile displa)
if necessary. Remove tile fi)od fl'om the oven.
Remember; even though tile oven shuts off
automatically, fi)od left in the oven will continue
cooking after tile o\en turns ofl_
NOLO: }_mwig h(_ara /an whib (ool;iK_"with this
.fi,atme. The tim "willO'c&or_am! oj[]whi[_ (oohir_g"to
best disOibl&_ the hot (fit; a_(I wig st()/)wlwn the door is
o/)(,n_dbut the Iwat wig trot tu*vz q/f